Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday, May 25 - Jardin du Luxembourg & Eiffel Tower


It's a beautiful Sunday morning we decided to do what most Parisians do on a sunny day. Spend it in the park.


Before we spread out the picnic blanket we marched out early so we can pick up our goodies from the local farmers market. We purchased oven fresh baguettes, farm cheeses, boar sausages and of course wine for our day. Gary is busy selecting the wide varities of homemade sausages from a vendor.


The Luxembourg garden is only a few blocks away from our apartment so this makes it even more convenient for an early brunch. This 60 acre garden is located in the left bank and is filled with fountains, statues and is the home to the Luxembourg Palace where the French Senate meets.




We pulled up a couple of green chairs provided by the park and listened to band students practicing their music. They played mostly pop tunes- Spider-Man, Austin Powell , 007 etc. In the background while we sipped wine and relaxed in the sunshine. Ah, to be a Parisian :)



Gary wanted take night photography at the Eiffel Tower so we headed out around 5 toward the Effiel tower grounds. The square is filled with anxious tourist as this was a clear day after a few days of wet weather so they were out in droves.


Opened in 1889 as part of the Paris Universal Exposition celebrating the centennial of the French Revoultion, bridge builder Gustave Effiel won the contest to build the two year centrepiece. There are three observation platforms, at 200, 400, and 900 feet. They used 7500 tons of steel, 60 tons of paint, 2.5 million rivets and I bet a whole lot of yelling went on for 2 years.

We arrived at 6 and there was already a huge line up. First there's a security check then they take your money and then the sweating come as you make your own way up the stairs. Some how this is not in your favour.


Gary loves to take photos of me gasping for air as if I'm on a non stop tread mill. The oxygen is getting thinner as we ascend and all I can think of is I hope there is a restaurant when we get to the 2nd level.


We waited an hour in the line with other eager tourists on a budget to climb up 360 steps to the 1st level, then another 360 steps to the 2 nd level just so we can save a few bucks. Your working for your money honey.


We left just after the light show came on at 10 and there is still people waiting in line to get to the top. The night show is as spectacular as they say it is. It's expensive crowded exhausting but still worth the fuss.



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