Saturday, May 17, 2014

Saturday, May 17 - Latin Quarter


I got up the next day at the crack of dawn. Couldn't sleep as I was going over the days itinerary in my mind every little detail. I caught a glimps of the moon in front of our French doors and took this picture. I know it's a little plain but it's not something I see 1st thing in the morning back home.



After fresh cossants and French coffee, Gary is busily working his gps with our rented bikes. It was late morning and the tourist buses were already lined up along Notre Dame ready to do serious business. Notice all the electric cars behind Gary? Wish we had rented one of those instead.



We only rode as far at point nurf on the island and decided it was way too crowded and dangerous to continue biking here. So we "locked" up sort of speak at lovers bridge. See all the lovers locks on the fence with no bikes? Just kiddin.



Touring on foot definitely has it's advantages. Example who could pass up finding these wonderful French cheeses?


then there's a restaurant appropriately named for us. Hehe.


there is such a thing in Paris that is actually free. (Well sort of). free walking tours hosted by local Parisians and/or French students practicing their English on tourists for gratuities. Our guide was named Lo. Lo is born and raised in Paris who lived in England and South Africa in her early years and now back to use her British/South African English with a Parisian accent on tourists. Interesting..... I should try my chinglish someday on my friends and see if I get a few bucks off them.





Paris has over 10,000 restaurants to chose from so there really no need to be hungry! We plan to eat our way through the centuries. (sort of speak) The first on the list is le Procope opened in 1686. Many French intellectuals such as Voltaire (his desk is still there), Danton, Marat, Rousseau all socialised here as did some famous Americans such as Benjamin Franklin, Jefferson, and John Paul Jones. I like the fact that it is a classic French restaurant and the oldest in Paris. The interior, furnishings, artwork and beautiful chandleries remarkably remains the same as it was back in the early days. You can almost imagin the customers in their grand outfits sipping wine and fanning themselves the night away.



The speciality of the house believe it or not is calf's head stew, non merci. As I am an ox in the Chinese astrology that would likely be bad Oman. So Gary & I decided to be safe and ordered de canard (duck) for him and joue de boeuf for moi.



Then to close this century off - Crepes flambé au grand marnier, I believe the French would approve with this choice.


A long and slow stroll along the Seine is much needed after eating such a rich dinner. It was Saturday night and the young chic Parisian's line the banks of the river with their wine, fav American snacks and even a home baked birthday cake to spend a warm spring evening w their love ones. Ah, la joie de la vie.


1 comment:

  1. Your stroll along the Seine looks most relaxing. And all that cheese! Mike and I would be in heaven
